Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieEnvironnementWhy Did Megalodon Go Extinct?

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Why Did Megalodon Go Extinct?

Dive into the ocean’s depths to see how the gigantic megalodon ruled the seas, and find out what caused its extinction.

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During the reign of megalodons, the world was warmer and the oceans were teeming with life. Megalodons were the largest sharks to have ever lived, with estimates suggesting they could grow up to 20 meters in length. They were apex predators, feeding on large prey species, including other predators. Megalodons were highly mobile and inhabited various oceans, possibly undertaking transoceanic migrations. However, their extinction around 3.5 million years ago was influenced by several factors. Global cooling and a drop in sea levels led to the drying up of coastal habitats and the loss of resource-rich marine sites. This, combined with the decline in prey species and competition with other predators such as the great white shark, contributed to their demise. The extinction of megalodons had global consequences, disrupting nutrient transport between ecosystems and releasing other animals from their immense predatory pressure. The decline of apex predators like megalodons can destabilize entire ecosystems. Conservation efforts today aim to protect sharks from a similar fate caused by human activities.


• Cartilaginous
Relating to or composed of cartilage, a flexible connective tissue found in many animals.

• Enamel
The hard, outer layer of the tooth that protects the underlying dentin.

• Transoceanic
Crossing or spanning an ocean.

• Apex predators
Top-level predators in the food chain that have no natural predators of their own.

• Megafauna
Large or giant animals of a particular region or time period.

• Scatter
To move far apart in different directions.

• Shallow
Having only a short distance from the top to the bottom.

• Thrived
To grow, develop, or be successful.

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