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Can you trust your memories?

The human brain contains as many neurons as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, but can we really trust them?

mardi 27 ao�t, Il y a 2 mois
 5 min

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When we think of memories, they can be likened to solar systems within this vast galaxy. However, the accuracy of these memories is often questionable. For instance, one might recall an event from early childhood, like being twirled around by a grandparent, but such memories, especially from before the age of two, are likely to be false since long-lasting memories typically begin forming after this age.

False memories can feel as real as genuine ones, which can have serious implications, especially in situations requiring precision, such as in the criminal justice system. To enhance the retention and accuracy of memories, three strategies are suggested: first, making memories unusual or distinctive (e.g., associating a number with a smell); second, paying close attention to sensory details, like taste or texture, while experiencing an event; and third, writing down important details as soon as possible.


• Neuron (noun): A nerve cell in the brain that transmits information.

• Milky Way (noun): The galaxy that contains our solar system.

• Solar system (noun): A collection of planets and other celestial bodies orbiting a star.

• False memory (noun): A memory that feels real but is actually not true.

• Miscarriage of justice (noun): A situation where someone is wrongly convicted or punished.

• Mindful (adjective): Being aware and attentive to the present moment.

• Byproduct (noun): A secondary result of a process, often unintended.

• Memories (noun): Mental recollections of past experiences, events, or information stored in the brain.

• To twirl (verb): To spin or rotate quickly in a circle, often with grace or excitement.

• Adulthood (noun): The stage of life when a person is fully grown and legally recognized as an adult.

Source: BBC Global YouTube channel.

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