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Arts et Loisirs

Thumbs Up ! Why Do We Do It ?

Thumbs up can mean different things in different cultures... find out about the story behind the hand gesture that's everywhere.

jeudi 25 mai, Il y a 19 mois
 5 min

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The thumbs-up gesture has varied meanings throughout history. In ancient Rome, it signaled death for gladiators, while the misconception of thumbs down meaning death arose from a painting. English archers in the Middle Ages used it to indicate readiness for battle, and medieval merchants sealed deals with a thumbs-up. Allied fighter pilots adopted it for take-off, and American GIs spread the gesture in Europe. However, it's considered an insult in Greece, Sardinia, and the Middle East. Today, thumbs up is a common sign of approval, both in person and online.


• To Spare
To prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant.

• To Flick
To make a short, sudden movement that causes something to move.

• To Stem From
To start or develop as the result of something.

• Take-Off
The moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly.

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