Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsPersonnalités connuesCan Julia Roberts Identify George Clooney Just by Feeling His Face?

Arts et Loisirs

Can Julia Roberts Identify George Clooney Just by Feeling His Face?

Can Julia Roberts Identify George Clooney Just by Feeling His Face?

lundi 17 oct., Il y a 26 mois
 5 min

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George Clooney and Julia Roberts have known each other for over 20 years. They’ve co-starred in five movies together and stared into each other’s eyes for thousands of hours. But can a blindfolded Julia Roberts identify George Clooney using only her hands?

Describing People Vocabulary List with Definitions

• Attractive: To have a nice appearance. (adjective)
• Bald: An absence of hair. (adjective)
• Beard: The hair that grows on the face and around the jaw. (noun)
• Beautiful: To be lovely, very good to see. (adjective)
• Cheeks: The sides of the face below the eyes. (noun)
• Chin: The bottom part of the jaw below the mouth. (noun)
• Eyebrows: The thin strips of hair above the eyes. (noun)
• Eyes: The parts of the face that enable us to see. (noun)
• Forehead: The part of the head below the hair and above the eyebrows. (noun)
• Hair: The threads that cover on head and other body parts. (noun)
• Length: The size of someone/thing, possibly horizontally. (noun)
• Lips: The edges of the mouth. (noun)
• Mouth: The opening in the face that sound comes out of and food goes into. (noun)
• Nose: A feature in the middle of the face. (noun)

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