Boris Johnson apologises as he admits that he was at N°10 during drinks.
Apologizing in EnglishHere are some useful expressions for the language function of apologizing.
mercredi 19 janv., Il y a 36 mois
10 min
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To apologize is to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused him/her inconvenience or unhappiness. Learning to say sorry in English is essential to speaking polite English. It will help you in personal relationships as well as professional ones.
• I apologize for • Please accept my apologies • I'm really sorry • I'm so sorry • I really must apologize • Please forgive me • I accept full responsibility • I regret... • I shouldn't have done that • I must take responsibility for… • I messed up • I would like to express my regret • Please don't hold a grudge
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