Explorez les thématiquesLes basesVocabulaireVocabulary Quiz: In The Car!

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Vocabulary Quiz: In The Car!

Do you know what's in a car?

jeudi 12 janv., Il y a 26 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 8 exercices :

Choix multiple
Texte à trous

A car (noun): A vehicle for transportation.
A seat (noun): A place to sit in a vehicle.
A door (noun): A panel for entry or exit.
A tire (noun): A rubber covering for a wheel.
A wheel (noun): A circular object for movement.
A steering wheel (noun, synonym: driving wheel): A control for steering.
A seat belt (noun): A safety strap for passengers.
A roof (noun): The top covering of a vehicle.
An indicator (noun): A signal for turning.
A handle (noun): A part used to open a door.
A wing mirror (noun): A side mirror for rearview.
A license plate (noun): A registration tag on a vehicle.
A windscreen (noun): The front glass window.

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