Explorez les thématiques Mode de vie Santé Ultra-processed Foods, an American Disaster.

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Ultra-processed Foods, an American Disaster.

Scientists are raising concerns about the increasing prevalence of ultra-processed foods in grocery stores and the associated health risks. Ultra-processed foods, which are high in fats, starches, sugars, and additives, now constitute 73% of the US food supply.

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These foods have been linked to various health issues, including diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression. Experts suggest that these products should come with tobacco-style warnings and advertising restrictions. Trish Coda explains that minimally processed foods are fresh and used in home-cooked meals, while ultra-processed foods are industrial products made with edible ingredients that are deconstructed and reassembled with additives. These foods are highly palatable and convenient but contribute significantly to unhealthy diets. Consumers are advised to avoid products with more than five unfamiliar ingredients, often packaged in plastic, such as crisps and ready-to-heat meals like lasagna.


• Researchers (noun): People who study a subject in detail to discover new information.

• Processed (adjective): Changed from its natural state, usually for preservation.

• Minimally (adverb): To the smallest amount or degree.

• Regulated (verb): Controlled or governed according to rules.

• Palatable (adjective): Pleasant to taste.

• Emulsifiers (noun): Substances that help mix ingredients that usually don’t mix well.

• Health (noun): The state of being free from illness or injury.

• Chemical (noun): A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process. Chemicals might be added to food for preservation, flavor, or other purposes.

• Packaging (noun): Materials used to wrap or protect goods.

• Consumers (noun): People who buy and use goods and services.

Source: CBS News YouTube channel.

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