• Biographers
A person who writes an account of someone's life.
-An important biographer of contemporary artists.
• Bias
Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.
-There was evidence of bias against foreign applicants.
• Reinforced
Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.
-The helmet has been reinforced with a double layer of cork.
• Survivorship
The state or condition of being a survivor; survival.
- A survivorship bias.
• Scrapped
To discard or remove from service (a redundant, old, or inoperative vehicle, vessel, or machine), especially so as to convert it to scrap metal.
- A bold decision was taken when they scrapped the existing plant.
• Fizzled out
To gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way.
- They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.
• Unpublished
A piece of writing or music not issued in print for public sale or consumption.
- The archive contains much unpublished material.
• Earnings
Money obtained in return for labour or services.
- He claimed damages for loss of earnings.
• Conventional
Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.
- A conventional morality had dictated behaviour.