Explorez les thématiquesTech et scienceSciencesShould we be concerned about space junk?

Tech et science

Should we be concerned about space junk?

Amazon is entering the satellite internet market with its Kuiper network, aiming to provide global internet access using low Earth orbit satellites, competing with SpaceX's Starlink, but raising concerns about space debris and collisions in low Earth orbit.

vendredi 13 oct., Il y a 13 mois
 6 min

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Amazon is entering the satellite internet market with its Kuiper network, which aims to provide internet access to underserved communities worldwide using low Earth orbit satellites. They plan to launch over 3,200 satellites in the coming years, directly competing with SpaceX's Starlink program, which already has 4,800 satellites in orbit. However, this competition raises concerns about space junk and the potential for collisions in low Earth orbit. The Canadian Space Agency had previously reported a collision on the ISS with space debris, and the fear is that continuous satellite launches could make it impossible to occupy this space. While excitement surrounds the future of space technology, responsibility in managing space debris is crucial.


• to aim: to target.
• to provide: to give someone something he or she needs.
• to launch: to send something out such as a spacecraft into space.
• to compete with: to try to be more successful than someone else.
• to raise: to cause to exist.
• Junk: debris.
• managing: to be responsible for controlling or organizing something.

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