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OpenAI And FigureAI Develop Humanoid Robot

Open AI and the startup robotics firm Figure AI have released a video demonstrating the capabilities of a new visual language model (VLM).

lundi 18 mars, Il y a 8 mois
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Openai and the startup robotics firm, Figure AI, have released a video this week demonstrating the real sci-fi capabilities of a new visual language model (VLM). The Medical Express details how AI is being used now to detect heart defects in newborns. The model they have developed gives the correct diagnosis in to 90% of cases. The interaction in the video illustrates the robot's ability to perceive its environment and respond accordingly , mimicking human-like behavior. With OpenAI, Figure 01 can now have full conversations with people.


• capabilities - (noun) abilities or skills
• robotics - (noun) the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots
• demonstrating - (verb) showing or proving something clearly
• sci-fi - (adjective) related to science fiction, a genre of speculative fiction that explores imaginative and futuristic concepts
• visual - (adjective) related to sight or seeing
• mimicking - (verb) imitating or copying the actions or speech of someone or something
• perceive - (verb) become aware of or understand something through the senses
• environment - (noun) the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
• conversations - (noun) verbal exchanges or dialogues between two or more people

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