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OpenAI And Figure AI Develop Humanoid Robot

Open AI and the startup robotics firm Figure AI have released a video demonstrating the capabilities of a new visual language model (VLM).

vendredi 15 mars, Il y a 8 mois
 5 min

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OpenAI and Figure AI have showcased a new visual language model, Figure 01, which employs "speech-to-speech" analysis through OpenAI's VLM. Unlike previous AI technologies, Figure 01 can understand images and texts, responding naturally in voice conversations. It utilizes a neural net to refine its responses and code dynamically. The interaction in the video illustrates the robot's ability to perceive its environment and respond accordingly , mimicking human-like behavior. Tow Reporters from BBC discuss the significance of this advancement, highlighting its potential for creating empathetic connections and the ethical implications of designing robots to appear and sound human.

Vocabulary :

• Capabilities : (noun) What someone or something is able to do.
• Multimodal : (adjective) Involving or using several different methods or forms of communication.
• Neural net : (noun) A computer system modeled on the human brain's network of neurons.
• Empathy : (noun) The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
• Manipulative : (adjective) Influencing or attempting to influence someone or something in a clever or dishonest way.
• Lag : (noun) A delay between an action and its effect.

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