Explorez les thématiques Mode de vie Santé New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep in 2023

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New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep in 2023

A go-to (and diet-free) list of achievable changes you can make in the new year.

lundi 2 janv., Il y a 27 mois
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The change in calendar is a great time to hit refresh on what your life looks like and think about New Year's resolutions to adopt. Yes, they can be intimidating. Yes, they can feel so unattainable it might not seem worth even thinking about. But if you start by thinking about what is practically doable for you in small steps in 2023, you might find resolution making can add a bright spot to your year.

To help spark ideas for what might be a good New Year's resolution for you for 2023, we've put together a list of 5 of our top ideas as examples. Some are simple, some are unique. Which one is right for you? You might start by writing out a few new goals for the year to guide you to resolution or two. Cheers to a new year and all the changes it can bring!

Source: Country Life & NBC News

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