Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieGastronomieInstant Ramen's Overnight Success

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Instant Ramen's Overnight Success

How did instant ramen become the survival food that we know today?

lundi 1 ao�t, Il y a 29 mois
 5 min

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Nowadays, instant ramen is usually associated with broke college students but that was not always the case.

The brainchild of Japanese businessman, Momofuku Andu, it was invented as a means of combatting the post-World War II hunger crisis that plagued much of Japan.

The challenge was to create a simple, non-perishable recipe that retained the robust flavours that people were used to.

Next time you slurp down a cup of ramen, remember that you're enjoying a piece of history!

Source: Great Big Story

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