Explorez les thématiquesLes métiersSécurité et OrganisationImperatives

Les métiers


An imperative is a command or order. It can also be used to give instructions, advice or a warning.

jeudi 7 avril, Il y a 32 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 10 exercices :

Texte à trous
Choix simple x 7
Choix multiple x 2
Use of the imperative

You can use the imperative to give instructions, commands, advice or to invite:

1. To give instructions

• Push the button
• Turn right

2. To give commands

• Stop saying nonsense
• Don’t be late

3. To give advice

• Go to the hospital, you are sick
• Brush your teeth every day

4. To invite (politely)

• Please, have a sit
• Please, have a drink with me

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