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Apple unveils iOS 16

Apple unveils iOS 16 with revamped lock screen and big changes to iMessage

mardi 21 juin, Il y a 19 mois
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Apple kicked off its annual developer conference by unveiling its next-generation mobile software, iOS 16, with new features that will let users personalize their iPhone lock screens, change how they text friends through iMessage and deepen how its smartphones integrate with cars.

In what might be one of Apple’s most highly-requested changes, Apple unveiled a new feature on Tuesday (AEST) that will allow iPhone users to edit and un-send regrettable iMessages.

In the moments after an iMessage is sent, users will be able to click either the “edit” or “undo send” buttons to modify their messages.

The features will be made available with the new version of its iOS. Apple has yet to announce the release date for the new operating system, which will be called iOS 16.

Craig Federighi, an Apple executive, said the “edit” and “undo send” buttons were one of the “most requested features to Messages.”

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