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Apple is launching new security for iPhone

Apple is launching new security features to protect personal data on iPhones from theft.

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Apple has introduced new security features to protect iPhone data in case of theft. NBC News Tech contributor Joanna Stern, who has covered this issue for over a year, discusses the importance of protecting personal information. The new ''stolen device protection'' feature relies on location verification, requiring Face ID for password access in unfamiliar places. It includes an hour-long security delay and additional Face/Touch ID confirmation for critical settings changes. Users must opt into this feature when widely available, understanding it doesn't protect against all threats, emphasizing the importance of keeping passcodes private.


• Features: Special characteristics or functionalities of a device.

• Columnist: A writer who regularly contributes articles or pieces for a specific publication, like a newspaper or magazine, sharing their opinions or expertise on various topics.

• Stake: The importance of something.

• Settings: Options or configurations that can be adjusted or changed on a device or system.

• To opt into: Choosing or agreeing to participate in something.

• Widely available: When something is accessible or obtainable by everyone.

Source: NBC News YouTube channel.

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