Bad days may seem like the norm, but they're often the result of our own habits or negative beliefs. However, we have the power to change this by cultivating good habits. Firstly, practicing gratitude helps rewire our brains to focus on the positive. Secondly, changing our environment, even with small actions like going for a walk, can refresh our minds. Thirdly, focusing on one task at a time increases productivity and quality. Lastly, laughter can alleviate stress and improve our overall mood.
• Unconscious (adjective: without awareness or intention.
• To stimulate (verb): to encourage or arouse activity or growth.
• Cloning (noun): the process of producing genetically identical organisms.
• Tension (noun): mental or emotional strain.
• Mediocre (adjective): of only moderate quality.
• THormones (plural noun) : chemical messengers produced by the body.
Source: Psych2Go