Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéActualitésWilliam and Kate's ''casual'' Christmas card


William and Kate's ''casual'' Christmas card

Every holiday season, the royal family puts out a Christmas card. Check out what makes this year's so special!

lundi 18 d�c., Il y a 14 mois
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Prince William and Kate Middleton released their 2023 Christmas card featuring a casual black and white photo with their three children. The photo differs from their previous colorful outdoor shots. Experts note the couple's preparation to lead the monarchy, taking on substantial responsibilities and making subtle yet significant changes. They aim to modernize the monarchy while preserving its heritage, gradually evolving its traditions to adapt to contemporary viewpoints.


• Festive: Associated with festivities or celebrations.

• Casual: Relaxed or informal in style or appearance.

• Heritage: An inherited property, tradition, or characteristic.

• Subtle: Not obvious or easily noticed.

Source: Access Royals

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