Explorez les thématiquesVoyageVoyagerWhy do some people have wanderlust?


Why do some people have wanderlust?

Why do some of us feel wanderlust more than others?

lundi 23 oct., Il y a 11 mois
 5 min

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The video explores the concept of "wanderlust," a strong desire for travel and exploration. It suggests that wanderlust is a common but not universal experience and discusses two theories explaining why some people have a strong inclination for travel.

One theory involves a genetic variant (DRD4-7R) linked to sensitivity to dopamine, suggesting that people with this variant may be more likely to seek thrilling experiences, including travel. The video also emphasizes that genetics don't determine personality but can play a role.

Another theory focuses on the psychology of living in an interconnected society where social comparisons, both upward and downward, can influence people's desire to explore the world.

The video concludes by celebrating the desire to explore as a valuable way to learn about different cultures and oneself.


• Wanderlust (noun): A strong desire for travel and exploration.

• Genetic (adjective): Related to genes, the units of heredity.

• Variant (noun): A different form or version.

• Dopamine (noun): A neurotransmitter that affects pleasure and motivation.

• Thrill (noun): A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure.

• Inclination (noun): A tendency or preference.

• Interconnected (adjective): Connected or linked together.

Source: BBC Ideas

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