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Who Was Roland Garros ?

Who was Roland Garros and how did a Grand Slam come to be named after a wartime aviator ?

vendredi 24 mai, Il y a 5 mois
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Roland Garros, whose name graces the French Open venue, was more than a tennis inspiration; he was an athlete, a pioneering aviator , and a war hero. Born in 1888 in Reunion, he moved to Paris for his education and ventured into business by starting a car dealership after graduating from HEC Business School. His life took a dramatic turn after attending an aviation festival in 1909, where he fell in love with flying. Garros quickly became a celebrated pilot, setting altitude records and being the first to fly across the Mediterranean in 1913.

When World War I began, aviation became crucial, and Garros played a significant role by developing the first reliable machine gun mechanism that allowed firing through propeller blades . He achieved aerial victories but was shot down in 1915, leading to his capture. After nearly three years as a POW, he escaped, only to be killed in combat in 1918. Posthumously, his legacy transitioned from aviation to sports when the Stade Français, under Emile Lesieur, named the new tennis stadium after him to honor his diverse athletic interests and his contributions to aviation and wartime efforts.


• athlete (noun): a person who competes in sports.
• pioneer (noun): someone who is one of the first to do something.
• venue (noun): a place where events are held.
• aviation (noun): the activity of flying aircraft.
• festival (noun): a celebration or series of performances.
• monoplane (noun): an airplane with one pair of wings.
• altitude (noun): height above the ground or sea.
• reconnaissance (noun): the act of gathering information.
• propeller (noun): a spinning blade used to move an aircraft or boat.
• mechanism (noun): a system or part that performs a specific function.
• effective (adj): successful in producing a desired result.
• anti aircraft (adj): used to describe weapons that shoot down airplanes.
• prisoner of war (noun): a person captured by the enemy during conflict.
• daring (adj): adventurous or audaciously bold.
• reenlisted (verb): joined the military again after leaving.
• fortnight (noun): a period of two weeks.
• host (verb): to provide the space and facilities for an event.
• trophy (noun): a prize given for winning a competition.

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