Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Autour de toiVocabulary Quiz: The Different Landscapes!

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Vocabulary Quiz: The Different Landscapes!

Learn some vocabulary about the different landscapes.

mercredi 16 nov., Il y a 25 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 9 exercices :

Choix simple
Texte à trous
Choix multiple
• a plain (noun) : a large area of flat land.
• a mountain (noun) : a raised part of the earth's surface.
• a hill (noun) : an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land.
• a forest (noun) : a large area of land covered with trees and plants.
• a river (noun) : a large amount of fresh water flowing continuously in a long line.
• a lake (noun) : a large area of water surrounded by land.
• a desert (noun) : an area covered with sand or rocks.
• the sea (noun) : the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth.
• the coast (noun) : the land next to or close to the sea.
• a brook (noun) : a small stream.
• a meadow (noun) : a field with grass and often wild flowers in it.
• a waterfall (noun) : water dropping from a higher to a lower point.

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