Let's first take a look at the most common objects for eating:
• A plate (noun): A surface for serving food.
• A fork (noun): A utensil used for eating.
• A knife (noun): A tool used for cutting food.
• A spoon (noun): An item used for eating yoghurt or soup, for example.
• A glass (noun): A container used for drinking.
• A cup (noun): A vessel used for drinking coffee or tea.
• A bowl (noun): A dish used for eating cereal with milk.
Next, we will look at appliances. The kind of objects that everyone has in their kitchen.
• A fridge (noun): to keep your food fresh and cold.
• A microwave (noun): to heat or reheat some food.
• A sink (noun): to wash the dishes in.
• A dishwasher (noun): if you hate doing the dishes yourself, this machine does it for you.
• An oven (noun): to cook pizzas for example.
• A coffee machine (noun): to make coffee and wake you up in the morning.
• A stove (noun): to cook using a frying pan or a saucepan.