Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Autour de toiVocabulary Quiz: In The Bathroom!

Qui suis-je ?

Vocabulary Quiz: In The Bathroom!

Learn some vocabulary about the bathroom.

mardi 15 nov., Il y a 14 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 9 exercices :

Texte à trous
Choix simple
Choix multiple
Let's first take a look at the most common objects in the bathroom:

- toothbrush - to brush your teeth

- toothpaste - to put on your toothbrush

- soap - to wash your hands

- shampoo - to wash your hair

- comb and brush - to brush your hair

- hairdryer - to dry your hair

- towel - to dry your body

Next, we will look at furniture. The kind of things that everyone has in their bathroom:

- shower and bathtub - to wash yourself

- sink - to wash your face

- mirror

You may also have:

- toilet

- washing machine - to wash your clothes

À découvrir également dans « Autour de toi »

Explorez la thématique « Autour de toi » :Explorer

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