Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéRéseaux sociauxUniversal Music is back on TikTok


Universal Music is back on TikTok

This video focuses on the recent comeback of Universal artists' songs on the Chinese smartphone application TikTok.

vendredi 3 mai, Il y a 6 mois
 5 min

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Universal Music had withdrawn its artists' music from TikTok due to payment disputes. This led to silent videos on the platform. However, after negotiations, Universal's songs are set to return under conditions of better payment for artists and protection against AI. This agreement benefits both major and smaller artists.


• To pull off (verb): to do something successfully.

• Soundless (adj): without making any sound.

• Huge: very big.

• To rip from (verb): This means to remove something with great force or effort.

• To claim (verb): to state that something is true.

• A standoff: a situation where neither side in a conflict is willing to change their position.

• Secondhand embarrassement: embarrassement you experience after posting an embarassing video.

Source: Behind the News YouTube channel.

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