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Time Management Tips

Effective time management will make it easier to control work effectively. To help manage time budget and allocate reasonable time to complete work in a certain order and time.

lundi 29 avril, Il y a 10 mois
 5 min

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Feeling like 24 hours isn't enough is common, but the issue lies in poor time management. Learn to prioritize using the Eisenhower matrix: urgent and important tasks should be tackled immediately, while less important ones can wait. Implement the "power hour" technique to focus on the toughest task for the first hour of your day, avoiding distractions like social media. Organize your workspace to save time and set deadlines for tasks, avoiding procrastination . Avoid multitasking , stay disciplined, and stick to your rules to manage time efficiently .

Vocabulary :

• Time management (noun): the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities.
• Priority (noun): a thing that is regarded as more important than another.
• Procrastination (noun): the action of delaying or postponing something.
• Deadline (noun): the latest time or date by which something should be completed.
• Multitask (verb): to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Discipline (noun): the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior.
• Workspace (noun): the area where one works, typically involving a desk.
• Distraction (noun): a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
• Eisenhower matrix (noun): a prioritization framework used to organize tasks by urgency and importance.
• Hyper focus (noun): an intense form of mental concentration or visualization.
• Quadrant (noun): each of four parts of a two-dimensional plane.
• Notification (noun): a message or update that informs about something.
• Conquer (verb): to successfully overcome a problem or weakness.
• Frustrating (adjective): causing feelings of disappointment or annoyance.
• Rushing (verb): to move with urgent haste or scramble.

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