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Time Management

How to manage your time well?

vendredi 29 nov., Il y a 2 mois
 5 min

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Successful people manage their time well both at work and at home. Start by tracking how you spend your day, noting tasks like work, TV, and errands. Once you have a log, make a list of tasks and estimate how long each takes. Eliminate unnecessary ones, delegate when possible, and prioritize important tasks. Ask yourself what’s essential for meeting your needs. Small changes, like waking up an hour earlier, can create more time for unexpected events. Avoid distractions like TVs and mobile devices. Use a calendar to keep track of appointments. Effective time management helps you focus on what truly matters.


• Log (noun) (synonym: Register): an official record of something.
• Miscellaneous (adjective): composed of different kinds.
• Errands (noun): short trips made for tasks.
• Tasks (noun): pieces of work to complete.
• To manage (verb): To organize or control.
• To fulfill (verb): To complete or satisfy.
• Appointment (noun): A scheduled meeting.

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