Explorez les thématiquesLes basesGrammaireThere is versus There are

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There is versus There are


vendredi 25 f�vr., Il y a 33 mois
 10 min

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THERE IS = il y a

We use THERE IS + singular and uncountable (indénombrable) nouns.
For example: There is a cafe in my village. (Il y a un café dans mon village.)

With affirmative sentences and uncountable nouns we use "some" before the noun.
For example: There is some money in my pocket. (Il y a de l'argent dans ma poche.)

The negative form is THERE ISN'T.
For example: There isn't a name on this bag. (Il n'y a pas de nom sur ce sac.) There isn't any tea in the cup. (Il n'y a pas de thé dans la tasse.)
With negative sentences and uncountable nouns we use "any" before the noun
For example: There isn't any interesting information in this email. (Il n'y a pas d'information intéressante dans cet email.)

The interrogative form is IS THERE?
For example: Is there a guide to help us? (Il y a t'il un guide pour nous aider?)
Is there any bread on the table? (Il y a t'il du pain sur la table?)
We also use "any" with interrogative sentences and uncountable nouns.

THERE ARE = il y a
We use THERE ARE + plural nouns and countable nouns.
For example: There are two cafes in my village. (Il y a deux cafés dans mon village.)
There are some cars on the street. (Il y a des voitures dans la rue.)

The negative form is THERE AREN'T.
For example: There aren't any pens on the table. (Il n'y a pas de stylos sur la table.)
There aren't any problems. (Il n'y a pas de problèmes.)

The interrogative form is ARE THERE?
For example: Are there any cats in the garden? (Il y a t'il des chats dans le jardin?)
Are there any tourists? (Il y a t'il des touristes?)

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