Explorez les thématiquesLes basesGrammaireThe present tense and the infinitive

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The present tense and the infinitive

Do you know when to use -ing and when to use to + infinitive after a verb?

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Look at these examples to see how the verb forms are used.

-I enjoy learning languages.
-I want to learn a new language.

Grammar explanation
A verb can be followed by another verb.
The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form.
Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.

Verbs followed by the -ing form
When 'enjoy', 'admit' and 'mind' are followed by another verb, they must be in the -ing form.

-I enjoy travelling.
-He admitted stealing the necklace.
-I don't mind waiting if you're busy.

Other verbs in this group include: avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, miss, practise and suggest.
'Like' and 'love' can be followed by the -ing form and the to + infinitive form. They are both correct.

Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
When 'want', 'learn' and 'offer' are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.

-I want to speak to the manager.
-She's learning to play the piano.
-He offered to help us wash up.

Other verbs in this group include: afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.

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