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The future of AI

ChatGPT Progress, Societal Impact, and Regulation Challenges

jeudi 25 janv., Il y a 13 mois
 5 min

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OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, and Microsoft's Satya Nadella Discuss the Future of AI: From ChatGPT Progress to Societal Impacts and Regulation Challenges.


Uphheaval: A sudden and violent change or disruption, often referring to societal or political upheavals.

Companion: A person or thing that accompanies or is associated with another; in the context, it refers to ChatGPT as a companion for knowledge work.

Impatience: Restlessness or frustration with the perceived slowness of progress; mentioned in the text regarding people's reaction to GPT-4 development.

Freakout: A slang term indicating an extreme or irrational reaction to a situation; used in the context of the initial response to GPT-4.

Diffusion: The spread or dissemination of something more widely; mentioned in relation to the diffusion of general-purpose technology.

Contemporaneous: Existing or occurring at the same time; used in the text to describe accounts of technological revolutions at the time.

Mitigate: To make less severe, serious, or painful; discussed in the context of predicting and mitigating future risks in AI development.

Flexibility: The ability to adapt or change easily according to the circumstances; emphasized in the text when discussing expert predictions and opinions.

Regulation: The imposition of rules or laws to control and guide certain activities; highlighted in the text regarding the high focus on safety and regulation in AI development.

Indifference: Lack of interest, concern, or feeling; mentioned as the opposite of the initial societal reaction to GPT-4, which was characterized by impatience and questioning.

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