Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéActualitésTens of thousands gather as new King of Denmark is crowned


Tens of thousands gather as new King of Denmark is crowned

Denmark's new king, Frederick X, greeted a large crowd in Copenhagen after his mother, Queen Margrethe, abdicated due to health reasons, marking the first voluntary renunciation of the throne by a Danish monarch in over 800 years.

mardi 16 janv., Il y a 13 mois
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Denmark has a new king, Frederick X, who was greeted by a large crowd in Copenhagen after his mother, Queen Margrethe, abdicated the throne due to health reasons. The new king was joined by his Australian-born wife, Queen Consort Mary, and their 18-year-old son, Prince Christian. The abdication marked the first time in over 800 years that a Danish monarch voluntarily renounced the throne. The new royal couple received a warm response from the public, with the king expressing gratitude for the support. King Frederick X emphasized his aspirations to be a unifying monarch, honoring his mother's legacy. The Danish monarchy, with a consistently high popularity of around 80%, remains relevant and beloved among the people.


• To greet: Saying hello or welcoming someone.

• To gather: Coming together in one place, forming a group.

• Prime minister: The leader of the government in some countries, like a president, responsible for making important decisions.

• Crown: A symbolic headgear worn by a monarch, often made of precious materials.

• To step aside: To voluntarily move out of a position or role.

• Heir: Someone who is next in line to inherit a title or position, like a throne.

• To take on: Accepting or adopting a responsibility or role.

• To wave: Moving your hand back and forth as a gesture of greeting.

• To poll for: Gathering opinions or votes from people on a particular topic.

• Below: At a lower position or level; under or beneath.

Source: BBC YouTube channel.

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