Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Les personnesTalking about your family!

Qui suis-je ?

Talking about your family!

How to talk about your family?

mardi 12 oct., Il y a 28 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 8 exercices :

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Key Family Members Vocabulary

1. " Father " and " Mother "

• Father : Your male parent . Also called "Dad" or "Daddy."
• Mother : Your female parent . Also called "Mom" or "Mommy."
Example:"My father is a teacher . My mother is a nurse."

2. " Brother " and " Sister "

• Brother : A male sibling .
• Sister : A female sibling .
Example:"I have one brother and two sisters ."

3. " Grandfather " and " Grandmother "

• Grandfather : The father of your father or mother . Also called "Grandpa."
• Grandmother : The mother of your father or mother. Also called "Grandma."
Example:"My grandfather loves fishing. My grandmother enjoys gardening ."

Describing Your Family

• Use the vocabulary to talk about your family.
Example:"I have a small family. My father is an engineer , and my mother is a teacher . I have one sister who is a student ."

À découvrir également dans « Les personnes »

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