Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéActualitésSouth Korea: Self-Driving Night Buses On Streets


South Korea: Self-Driving Night Buses On Streets

In recent months, commuters in South Korea's capital have been riding what is believed to be the world’s first driverless night bus.

lundi 15 avril, Il y a 7 mois
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Commuters in Seoul have been testing the world's first driverless night bus, a $1 million autonomous vehicle. Despite having a driver for safety, the experience resembles a regular bus ride. This innovation addresses Seoul's transportation challenges , especially at night, but it's still a work in progress due to safety concerns and technological limitations. South Korea's investment in autonomous vehicles indicates a potential future for driverless public transport, albeit with significant costs and limitations.


• Commuters (noun): People who regularly travel from one place to another, typically between home and work.
• Autonomous (adj): Capable of operating independently, without human control.
• Void (noun): An empty space; a gap or absence.
• Infrastructure (noun): The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
• Efficient (adj): Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
• Circumstances (noun): A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
• Considerable (adj): Noticeable or significant.
• Cost (noun): The amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
• Limitations (noun): A limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction.
• Innovation (noun): The action or process of innovating; a new method, idea, product, etc.

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