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Paris Mayor Swims In Seine

Paris's mayor Anne Hidalgo has swam in the River Seine in a bid to show the water is clean enough for Olympic events.

vendredi 19 juil., Il y a 3 mois
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This morning in Paris, Mayor Anne Hidalgo showcased the River Seine to demonstrate its safety for the upcoming Olympic Games. Joined by the president of the Paris 2024 Games and other enthusiasts , Hidalgo took a swim in the river, which has been off-limits to the public for over a century except for some organized events. This initiative is the result of a nine-year, over $1 billion cleanup effort, which included installing a massive underground water basin to reduce pollution . The efforts aim to restore the Seine to its former status as a recreational spot for Parisians. Despite occasional unswimmable conditions after heavy rains, officials remain confident. The Seine will host two Olympic events—the marathon swim and the swimming leg of the triathlon—and serve as the backdrop for an unprecedented opening ceremony with athletes parading on boats. The French sports minister and American swimmers have expressed their admiration for the cleanup efforts. Officials will continue to monitor water quality up to and during the Olympics, aiming for a memorable Summer Games.

Vocabulary :

• plunge (noun): a jump or dive into water.
• enthusiasts (noun): people who are very interested in a particular activity or subject.
• predators (noun): animals that hunt other animals for food.
• triathlon (noun): a sporting event with three continuous and sequential endurance races, usually swimming, cycling, and running.
• cleanup (noun): the act of making a place clean and free of pollution.
• basin (noun): a large container or area for holding water.
• pollution (noun): harmful substances in the environment.
• epic (adj): grand, heroic, or impressive.

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