Explorez les thématiquesLes basesConjugaisonMovement Verbs in English

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Movement Verbs in English

lundi 21 oct., Il y a 2 semaines
 5 min

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Movement Verbs describe actions that involve changing position or moving from one place to another. Here are some common movement verbs:

• Go : to move from one place to another.
Example : She goes to school every day.

• Come : to move towards a place.
Example : He is coming to the party tonight.

• Run : to move quickly on foot.
Example : They run in the park every morning.

• Walk : to move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot .
Example : We walk to the grocery store every weekend.

In addition to these common verbs, here are more movement verbs you can use:

• Jump : to push yourself off the ground into the air using your legs.
Example : The children jump on the trampoline.

• Climb : to move upwards, often using your hands and feet.
Example : We climbed the mountain last summer.

• Swim : to move through water by using your arms and legs.
Example : They swim in the lake every weekend.

• Fly : to move through the air (often used for birds or airplanes).
Example : The bird flies high in the sky.

• Ride : to travel on or in a vehicle, animal, or bicycle.
Example : He rides his bike to work.

• Drive : to control and operate a vehicle (usually a car).
Example : She drives to the office every day.

These verbs change based on tense (past, present, future) and the subject of the sentence . Understanding how to use them in sentences will help you describe actions related to movement clearly .

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