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Mona Lisa smothered in pumpkin soup

Protesters attack Mona Lisa with pumpkin soup. The painting remains undamaged thanks to the bulletproof glass panel protecting it.

lundi 29 janv., Il y a 13 mois
 5 min

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In France, amid protests by farmers demanding better pay and protection from cheap imported produce, activists used the world-famous Mona Lisa to convey a food sustainability message. They gave the iconic artwork a "soup makeover," symbolizing the need for healthy and sustainable food. The protesters questioned whether art or the right to nutritious food was more crucial. Despite criticism for treating valuable art disrespectfully, Mona Lisa, protected by bulletproof glass, remained undamaged, returning to her pumpkin soup-free existence.


• To smother: Covering something completely.

• To spread: To make something go all over, like spreading butter on bread.

• Sustainability: Keeping things in balance so they can last for a long time without causing harm, like taking care of the environment.

• Healthy: Good for your body and well-being, like eating fruits and vegetables.

• To get your point across: Successfully making others understand what you are trying to say or express.

• Disgusting: Something that is really unpleasant.

Source: Behind the News Youtube channel.

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