Explorez les thématiquesVie proDéveloppement personnelIntroducing Yourself Perfectly Every Time

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Introducing Yourself Perfectly Every Time

Do you know how to introduce yourself so people want to get to know you ?

vendredi 21 juin, Il y a 4 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 8 exercices :

Quizz x 5
Texte à trous x 2
Choix multiple
Introducing yourself can be awkward , but mastering both verbal and nonverbal cues can make it smoother . Start with nonverbal communication: smile authentically , determine your physical greeting ( handshake , hug , etc.), and use "full fronting" by facing your body towards the person you're meeting. Verbally , begin with a simple greeting, state your name slowly, and add a positive phrase like "happy to be here." Then, mention your role or reason for being there. Optionally, include a fun fact to break the ice. Combining these elements creates a positive and confident introduction.

Vocabulary :

• awkward (adj): causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience.
• nonverbal (adj): not involving or using words.
• blade (verb): to position your hand for a handshake.
• verbal (adj): relating to or in the form of words.
• full fronting (noun): positioning your body to face someone directly.
• visible (adj): able to be seen.
• greeting (noun): a polite word or sign of welcome.
• inject (verb): to introduce or add something new.
• positive (adj): characterized by or expressing certainty or affirmation.
• icebreaker (noun): a thing that serves to relieve inhibitions or tension between people.

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