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Arts et Loisirs

Indiana Jones 5

Harrison Ford crashes Star Wars Celebration with a surprise Indiana Jones message!Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd

vendredi 27 mai, Il y a 29 mois
 5 min

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Star Wars Celebration was unleashed in full on Thursday in Anaheim.
Fans in the convention had no idea of the surprise awaiting them when John Williams came out to conduct an orchestra to play the Obi-Wan Kenobi theme live for the first time. The famed conductor followed that up with another one of his famous themes, this one from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
As if that did not excite the crowd enough, they were about to be whipped (as it were) into an absolute frenzy when who should walk out on stage but Han Solo / Indiana Jones himself, Harrison Ford.
Ford had a little message for the crowd about a certain upcoming fifth film in a beloved franchise: 'I'm really proud of the movie that we made,' Harrison Ford told the audience. 'So, I'll be seeing you around campus.'
The still untitled fifth Indiana Jones film will be released June 30, 2023.

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