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How to write the perfect resume

Here is how you can get your resume noticed!

vendredi 5 janv., Il y a 10 mois
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How you format and lay out your resume is as vital as the content itself. The top section of your resume should provide a snapshot of your qualifications and job target, capturing the recruiter's interest. Avoid the vague "objective" statement; instead, opt for a professional summary. Utilize bullet points to highlight achievements. For beginners, limit your resume to one page; more experienced individuals can extend to a second page. Pay attention to font sizes and layout for readability and avoid cramming excessive information.


• Qualifications - abilities, skills, or achievements that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity.

• Responsibilities - tasks or duties that someone is required to undertake as part of a job.

• Bragging - talking too proudly about what you have done or what you own.

• Real estate - space or area available for use or development.

• Recruiter - a person whose job is to find and hire suitable employees.

• Printing - the production of books, newspapers, etc., especially in large quantities.

Source: Business Insider

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