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How to use hand signals in video meetings

Enhancing Virtual Discussions: The Power of Hand Signals

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Managing discussions in a virtual classroom presents challenges, but using hand signals can enhance inclusivity and respect. These signals include gestures for agreement, disagreement, building on ideas, asking questions, and indicating a desire to speak. By incorporating these signals, students can participate comfortably and contribute effectively to discussions.

Conducting: verb, meaning to organize or carry out a particular activity or process.

Inclusive: adjective, meaning including or covering all the services, facilities, or items normally expected or required.

Equitable: adjective, characterizing something as fair and impartial, ensuring fairness to all parties involved.

Interrupt: verb, meaning to stop the continuous progress of an activity or process by causing a disturbance or distraction.

Paraphrase: verb, denoting the act of restating a text or passage in other words, often to clarify meaning or demonstrate understanding.

Nonverbal: adjective, referring to communication that does not involve words or speech, such as gestures, facial expressions, or body language.

Reinforce: verb, meaning to strengthen or support something, often by providing additional assistance or encouragement.

Boost: verb, meaning to increase or improve something, often by adding energy, enthusiasm, or support.

Agreement: noun, indicating harmony or conformity in opinion or feeling; a state of being in accord.

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