Look at these examples to see how enough is used.
-She's not old enough to walk yet.
-We are not acting fast enough to stop climate change.
-I don't read enough.
• 'enough' means 'as much as necessary'. It can be used with an adjective, an adverb, a verb or a noun. It can also act as a pronoun.
• With adjectives and adverbs, enough comes after adjectives and adverbs.
-I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf.
-Your marks are good enough to study engineering at university
• With verbs, enough comes after verbs.
- I make sure I drink enough during the day.
• With nouns, enough comes before nouns.
-There isn't enough bread to make sandwiches.
• As a pronoun, enough can also be used without a noun.
-I'll get some more chairs. There aren't enough.
-A: Do you want more coffee? B: No, I've had enough, thanks.
We know what the noun is because of the context.
• When enough is used with an adjective and a noun, two positions are possible but the meaning changes.
-We haven't got big enough envelopes.
-We haven't got enough big envelopes
When enough is after the adjective (big enough envelopes), it describes the adjective – the envelopes are too small.
When enough is before the adjective (enough big envelopes), it describes the noun phrase – we have some big envelopes, but we need more.
We normally only use 'enough of' when it is followed by a determiner or a pronoun (a/an/the, this/that, my/your/his, you/them, etc.).
-There isn't enough of that bread to make sandwiches for everyone.