Memories are formed through acquiring new information, consolidating it, and recalling it later. Research suggests that activities like juggling can increase brain activity and grey matter in memory-related areas.
However, improving memory doesn't always require learning new physical skills; techniques like the memory palace can also be effective. Dream recall can enhance memory and creativity, and keeping a dream diary is a simple way to practice this.
Overall, the process of acquiring, consolidating, and recalling information offers simple tips to enhance memory.
• Acquiring: Obtaining or gaining new information.
• Consolidating: Making something stronger or more solid.
• Recall: The ability to remember or retrieve information.
• Grey matter: The tissue in the brain and spinal cord.
• Hippocampus: A part of the brain involved in memory.
• Neocortex: The outer layer of the cerebral hemisphere.
• Memory palace: A technique to improve memory by associating information with a familiar place.
Source: BBC Ideas