Effective listening entails more than just appearing attentive; it involves genuine interest and understanding conveyed through attentive body language and thoughtful questions. Removing distractions, avoiding interruptions, and actively engaging with the speaker's narrative are crucial. Good listeners also summarize and seek clarification, fostering trust and connection, even in challenging conversations.
Tricky: Difficult to deal with or achieve, requiring skill or careful navigation.
Behavioral: Relating to the actions or reactions of individuals or organisms in response to external or internal stimuli.
Recurring: Happening repeatedly or at regular intervals.
Performative: Relating to actions or behaviors that are done as a form of performance or display.
Internalize: To fully understand or absorb something, making it a part of one's own beliefs or behaviors.
Distractions: Things that divert one's attention away from the task at hand.
Intimate: Characterized by close personal relationships or a sense of emotional closeness.
Interject: To interrupt a conversation with a comment or remark.
Embarrassing: Causing feelings of discomfort, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.
Reactance: A psychological phenomenon where individuals react against attempts to constrain their freedom or autonomy.