Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéActualitésHandwritten or typed, which is better?


Handwritten or typed, which is better?

New research suggests that writing by hand might be more effective than typing for cognitive functions.

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A study involving hundreds of students from 17 primary schools in Perth, Australia asked them to write stories both on laptops and by hand. The handwritten stories were found to be generally better: they were longer, more creative, and with better vocabulary and spelling. Researchers believe this is because children learn to write by hand before they learn to type, making them more confident with pen and paper. While it's essential for children to continue practicing handwriting for cognitive and memory benefits, typing is also crucial. Therefore, students should learn to use keyboards properly to become confident writers regardless of the medium.


• A study: Research to find out information about something.

• To reckon: To think or believe something.

• Both: Two things together.

• A keyboard: A set of keys on a device on a computer for typing.

• Properly: In the right way.

• To type: To write using a computer.

Source: Behind the News YouTube channel.

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