Explorez les thématiquesLes basesGrammaireFestive Phrasal Verbs

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Festive Phrasal Verbs

Join us for an engaging ESL session focused on mastering the utility of common phrasal verbs, exploring their practical applications in festive conversations!

jeudi 21 d�c., Il y a 11 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 10 exercices :

Choix simple x 9
Choix multiple
• Looking forward to: waiting for something with pleasure “I am eagerly looking forward to Christmas this year!”

• Put off: delay, postpone “I tend to put off buying presents until the last minute, and then I'm in a rush.”

• Put up: place something somewhere so that everybody notices it “Yes, we put up decorations all around the house.”

• Hang up: attach something somewhere from the top of the object “We hang up stockings by the fireplace."

• Wrapping up: covering something completely with paper material “I find joy in wrapping up presents with colorful paper and ribbons.

• Give up: stop doing something, for example a bad habit “I plan to give up eating sweets for the New Year.”

• Ended up: finally found yourself in a place that you didn’t intend to go to “One year, we took a wrong turn and ended up at a random party on New Year's Eve.”

• Go out: take part in a social activity outside the home “This year, I'm planning to go out and celebrate with friends.”

• Bump into: meet by chance“During Christmas, I often bump into old friends while shopping or at holiday gatherings".

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