Explorez les thématiquesDébutez !Les basesEither and Neither

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Either and Neither

How to use either and neither in a sentence.

mardi 24 janv., Il y a 23 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 8 exercices :

Oui/Non x 2
Choix simple x 4
Either and neither in negative sentences

Both of them are used as a "too" in a negative way.

You need to use it with a negative verb and at the end of a sentence:
- I don't know Julia. I don't know her either.

You need to use it with a positive verb and at the beginning of a sentence:
- I don't like chocolate. Neither do I.

Either and neither in another context

It can be used in sentences to mean " any of the two ":
- For lunch I'm eating either chicken or beef.

It can be used in sentences to mean " none of the two ":
- Neither of these books is about time travel.

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