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Apple Watch Import Ban

Apple is halting sales of its latest smartwatch models due to a patent infringement ruling by the International Trade Commission against Masimo, emphasizing the necessity for compliance with the law, with potential impacts on future sales if the pause continues.

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Apple plans to pause the sales of its latest smartwatch models, Series 9 and Ultra 2, due to a ruling that found Apple in violation of Masimo's patents related to pulse oximeters. This decision follows an October ruling by the International Trade Commission, resulting in an import ban. Masimo, specializing in pulse oximeters, stated that the ruling demonstrates the necessity for even major corporations to comply with the law. While the sales pause might not significantly affect the holiday season, an extended halt could impact sales in 2024. Apple has various options to address the ban, including settling with Masimo, making software updates to bypass patent infringement, or appealing the Commission's decision. President Biden's administration has until Christmas Day to review the ruling.


• To halt: To stop or pause something.

• Christmas Eve: The day before Christmas Day, on December 24th.

• To violate: To break or fail to follow a rule or law.

• Patent: A legal document that gives someone the right to make or sell an invention for a certain period of time.

• Pulse oximeter: A device used to measure the oxygen level in blood.

• To abide: To follow or obey something, like a rule or law.

• To overturn: To reverse or cancel a decision, especially a legal one.

• To settle: to reach an agreement or come to a resolution, usually between two parties in a dispute.

• To seek: To look for or try to obtain something.

• To bypass: To avoid or go around something, often a rule or procedure.

• Alledged: Claimed or stated without proof yet.

• Infringement: The act of breaking a law or violating a right, like a patent.

• To appeal: To ask a higher court or authority to review and change a decision made by a lower court.

• To ensure: To make sure or guarantee that something will happen or be done.

Source: Wall Street Journal YouTube channel.

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