Explorez les thématiquesTech et scienceSciencesWhat your toaster can teach you about the Universe

Tech et science

What your toaster can teach you about the Universe

There are things you can learn in a kitchen that can shed light on some of the most fundamental characteristics of the Universe.

jeudi 8 sept., Il y a 16 mois
 5 min

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Take a look inside your toaster. Toaster elements glow orange, always. No one has a toaster that glows blue. The colour can’t be changed – it’s set by a very specific law of physics that applies to everything in the Universe.


• Cosmologists (noun)
Someone who studies the nature and origin of the universe.
-The cosmologist discussed the big bang enthusiastically.

• Messy (adjective)
In a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly.
-After the party, their apartment was messy.

• Toaster (noun)
A device for toasting bread, English muffins, crumpets, etc.
-You can learn a lot about the universe from your toaster.

• White-hot (adjective)Hot enough to glow with a bright white light.
-The glow of the furnace was white hot.

• Radiation (noun)
The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light; as, the radiation of heat.
-The Sun's radiation heats up the planet.

• Superpower (noun)
An exceptional or extraordinary power or ability.
-Thor's superpowers allow him to control lightning.

• Microwaves (noun)
An electromagnetic wave.
-Microwaves emitted from other galaxies are detectable on Earth.

• Wavelength (noun)
The length of a single cycle of a wave, as measured by the distance between one peak or trough of a wave and the next.
-Humans can only see a limited wavelength of light.

• Coldest
The superlative state of cold, the most cold something can be.
-The Antarctic is the coldest place on Earth.

• Phenomenally (adverb)
In a manner that is extraordinary or amazing.
-She ran phenomenally well.

• Warmth (noun)
A moderate degree of heat; the sensation of being warm.
- Warmth radiated from his smile.

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