Explorez les thématiquesTech et scienceSciencesWhat is the Universe expanding into?

Tech et science

What is the Universe expanding into?

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what the Universe is expanding into?

mercredi 28 sept., Il y a 16 mois
 5 min

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The Universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang, but what is it expanding into?


Nothingness (noun)
-State of nonexistence; the condition of being nothing.
-Void; emptiness.

Expanse (noun)
-A wide stretch, usually of sea, sky, or land.
-An amount of spread or stretch.

Misleading (adjective)
-Deceptive or tending to mislead or create a false impression.

Blown (adjective)
-distended, swollen or inflated.
-panting and out of breath.

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