Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Autour de toiSome OR Any

Qui suis-je ?

Some OR Any

Read through the rules explanations and examples.

lundi 13 juin, Il y a 19 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 8 exercices :

Choix simple x 8
Some is usually used to indicate positive substance and affirmative sentences. Some can also be used in certain types of questions, such as offers and requests. Any is used in questions and negatives.

For example,
• There is some milk on the table. (affirmative sentences)
• I would like some more water. (requests)
• There are some chairs outside. (affirmative sentences)
• There is some juice in the fridge. (affirmative sentences)
• Do you have any towels? (questions)
• There aren’t any more oranges. (negatives)
• There isn't any chocolate. (negatives)
• Are there any apples? (questions)
• Is there any butter? (questions)

À découvrir également dans « Autour de toi »

Explorez la thématique « Autour de toi » :Explorer

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