Explorez les thématiquesLes basesGrammaireQuiz: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

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Quiz: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

One way to classify nouns in English is according to whether they can be counted or not.

lundi 2 janv., Il y a 12 mois
 5 min

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• Countable (or count) nouns are words which can be counted. They have a singular form and a plural form. They usually refer to things. Most countable nouns become plural by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the word.

Example: Cars, tables, chairs

• Uncountable (or non-count) nouns are words which cannot be counted. Therefore, they only have a singular form. They have no plural forms. These words are thought of as wholes rather than as parts. They usually refer to abstractions (such as confidence or advice) or collectives (such as equipment or luggage).

Example: Rice, water, air

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